Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P59/10/27 Postcard of Swinton Earthenware Manufactory early 20th century Business Swinton South Yorkshire
DZ/COLES/41 Tram Company vehicle registration logbooks 1929-1948 Business Swinton South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/1/19 Draft deed of partnership for Hattersley Brothers and Company 1 Jan 1879 Business Swinton South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/1/20 Copy draft assignment of two undivided third parts in Queen's Foundry 30 Mar 1899 Business Swinton South Yorkshire
P59/6/A4/3 Dimensions of the ground plan of Swinton Pottery, with new building to be erected 1788 Business Swinton South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/46 Postcards of the Ship Inn and Woodman Inn early-mid 20th century Business Swinton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61291 Correspondence and draft abstract of title relating to land sold to the Midland Railway Company 1866-1867 Business Swinton South Yorkshire
DY/BML/4/11 Plans of land purchased by the North Eastern Railway 1868 Business Sykehouse South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 Sale plans and particulars for inn and warehouses 25 Sep 1850 Business Sykehouse South Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/11/4 Daily account of labour at Taura saw mill 1865 Business New Zealand New Zealand

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