Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DS/14/8/5 | Egypt-the January Events | 1977 | Publications | Egypt | Egypt |
DD/BW/Y14 | Dispatch from The Times about the Battle | 3 Oct 1798 | Publications | Egypt | Egypt |
DD/BW/Y14 | Dispatch from The Times about the Battle | 3 Oct 1798 | Military | Egypt | Egypt |
DD/MF/ADD/8 | Foreign Office file on the arrest of a Russian editor in Alexandria | 1913 | Other Records | Egypt | Egypt |
DD/WA/A10 | Chronological table of events between 747BC and 607BC | 1830s | Other Records | Egypt | Egypt |
MQ/26/3 | Report on the colliery explosion of 1886 | 1887 | Coal Mining | Elemore | County Durham |
DY/DAW/9/219 | Auction sale catalogue for the Ranby House and Elkesley estate, with plans and photographs | 11 May 1948 | Sales Catalogues | Elkesley | Nottinghamshire |
DY/DAW/9/219 | Auction sale catalogue for the Ranby House and Elkesley estate, with plans and photographs | 11 May 1948 | Estate | Elkesley | Nottinghamshire |
DY/DAW/9/219 | Estate | 1948 | Maps/Plans | Elkesley | Nottinghamshire |
DY/DAW/9/219 | Estate | 1948 | Photographs | Elkesley | Nottinghamshire |
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