Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/2/14 | Strategic Guidance for London Planning Authorities: Consultation Draft | Mar 1995 | Publications | London | London |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/2/14 | Strategic Guidance for London Planning Authorities: Consultation Draft | Mar 1995 | Other Local Government | London | London |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/2/12 | Towards a Liveable London | 1994 | Publications | London | London |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/2/11 | South London Rail Study: Phase 1 Preliminary Data Analysis Executive Summary | Jul 1992 | Railways | London | London |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/2/11 | South London Rail Study: Phase 1 Preliminary Data Analysis Executive Summary | Jul 1992 | Publications | London | London |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/2/10 | A Bus Strategy for London, consultation paper | Mar 1991 | Publications | London | London |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/1/8 | Correspondence regarding transit issues | 1998 | Organisations | Hampshire | Hampshire |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/1/7 | Correspondence regarding County Structure Plan | 1994-1997 | Organisations | Hampshire | Hampshire |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/1/6 | Correspondence relating to general transport issues | 1993-1996 | Organisations | London | London |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/1/5 | Correspondence regarding transport | 1991-2001 | Organisations | Hampshire | Hampshire |
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