Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
SY/311/Z15/1 Act 1810 Enclosure Edlington South Yorkshire
SY/508/G21/1 Contract details for Yorkshire Main Colliery 1954 Coal Mining Edlington South Yorkshire
SY/614/K38/1 Accounts for Woodroofe's Charity 1928-1929 Organisations Edlington South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/174 Sale plans and particulars for Cockhill Closes 16 Jun 1866 Sales Catalogues Edlington South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/174 Cockhill Closes 1866 Maps/Plans Edlington South Yorkshire
DY/GBF/10 Sheet 90 1854 Ordnance Survey Edston North Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/571 Conveyance of lands 24 Oct 1746 Deeds Eggborough North Yorkshire
DD/BW/E13/10 Statement of tenants and rents 1840s Estate Eggborough North Yorkshire
DY/GBF/7/9 6 inch annotated to show areas relating to coal prospecting early 20th century Ordnance Survey Eggborough North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Manorial land 1873 Maps/Plans Eggborough North Yorkshire

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