Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/7/4/887 | Formulae of indenture of lease and memorial of conveyance to be registered in the Register Office | 18th century | Deeds | Wakefield | West Yorkshire |
DD/BELL/19 | Forms recording journey times between stations in the area | 1965 | Railways | Doncaster, Railway Station | South Yorkshire |
P61/1/G1/5 | Forms of prayer, intercessions and thanksgivings for the repeated successes obtained by the Allied Forces over the French army | 1813 | Military | Spain | Spain |
DZ/MD/805 | Former railway repair works | 2008 | Photographs | Crimpsall | South Yorkshire |
DY/DAW/9/208 | Former RAF [Royal Air Force] station | 1969 | Maps/Plans | Misson | Nottinghamshire |
DY/DAW/9/208 | Former RAF [Royal Air Force] station | 1969 | Photographs | Misson | Nottinghamshire |
AB/ARCH/1/1485 | Former R.A.F. camp on Church Lane taken over by squatters | 1947 | Maps/Plans | Bessacarr | South Yorkshire |
P19/10/10 | Former parsonage house | 1980s | Maps/Plans | Reedness | East Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/35/5 | Former magistrates court | about 1975 | Photographs | Doncaster, Station Road | South Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/5/43 | Former Co-operative stores | 1970 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
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