Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MZ/90 Estate, copy of 18th century plan 20th century Maps/Plans Cadeby South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/483 Estate 1711 Maps/Plans Cadeby South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/527 Township 1724 Maps/Plans Cadeby South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/8/5 Cadeby Inn 1984 Maps/Plans Cadeby South Yorkshire
DS/87/13/2 Geological plan of quarry about 1990 Maps/Plans Cadeby South Yorkshire
DD/CROM/6/32 Tithe, copy 1847 Maps/Plans Cadeby South Yorkshire
PR/DEN/7/5 Proposed bungalow at Denby Dale Road early 20th century Maps/Plans Calder Grove West Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65181/5 Fragment of printed map showing Wakefield south to Cambridge, with some railway lines about 1837 Maps/Plans Cambridge Cambridgeshire
SR/86/7/2 Area, made by visiting schoolchildren from Wheatley Hills Middle 1987 Maps/Plans Avion France
DZ/MD/799/1 Freehold homestead, cottages, land and minerals 1910 Maps/Plans Braithwell South Yorkshire

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