Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/BROD/4/32-33 | Proposed sites of tramway and mining shafts | about 1901 | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
P10/9/A2 | Copy of enclosure map | 1830 | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BROD/17/39 | Brodsworth Hall, fabric and fittings | 1920-1932 | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/158/1 | Thellusson estates, copies [CD-ROM] | 1818 | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BROD/20/20 | Telephone connections | Feb 1895 | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BROD/20/21 | Ground floor of Brodsworth Hall | 12 Nov 1953 | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BROD/20/22 | Ground and first floors of Brodsworth Hall | 1950s | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BROD/20/23 | Farm labourers' cottages | early 20th century | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BROD/20/24 | Proposed alterations to stables | Oct 1909 | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BROD/20/25-26 | Poultry show house | Feb 1910 | Maps/Plans | Brodsworth | South Yorkshire |
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