Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P70/2/E1-16 Records of St Andrew 1936-1998 Anglican Parish Kendray South Yorkshire
MB/LEGAL/3/1 Register of declarations of acceptance of office by council officials 1936-1983 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LEGAL/3/1 Register of declarations of acceptance of office by Mayor 1936-1983 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
DS/7/18 Labour Party branch records 1936-1981 Organisations Intake South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/2/14/1 Diocesan correspondence file relating to Church of England School 1936-1981 Anglican Parish Snaith East Yorkshire
P/ARCH/2/14/1 Diocesan correspondence file relating to Church of England School 1936-1981 Schools Snaith East Yorkshire
DD/DC/E5/7/1 Chief rents 1936-1978 Estate Thorpe in Balne South Yorkshire
NSC/8 Savings Committee records 1936-1975 Organisations Thorne South Yorkshire
NM/31 Silver Street Primitive Methodist church records 1936-1973 Nonconformist Churches Stainforth South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/2/7/1 Diocesan correspondence file relating to school 1936-1969 Anglican Parish Doncaster, Marsh Gate South Yorkshire

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