Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61263 Bundle of printed sale conditions relating to the Coulman estates 1875 Estate Luddington Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61263 Sale conditions 1875 Estate Ousefleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61263 Sale conditions for an estate 1875 Sales Catalogues Ousefleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61263 Sale conditions for the Coulman estates 1875 Sales Catalogues Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61264 Abstracts of title, draft conveyances and other items relating to the Coulman estates 1876 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61265 Admission to copyhold lands 1876 Manorial Crowle Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61267 Fire insurance for property of Coulman trustees 1871 Estate Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61267 Fire insurance 1871 Estate Ousefleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61268 Auctioneer's prospectus for the sale of copyhold property 1877 Sales Catalogues Crowle Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61270/1-6 Inventories and valuations for Wadworth Hall 1879-1882 Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire

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