Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/DAW/9/196 Estate 1920 Maps/Plans Dore Derbyshire
DY/DAW/9/196 Estate 1920 Photographs Dore Derbyshire
DS/NCIT/ADD/5/1/8 Correspondence relating to crossing 1987-1988 Railways Dornoch Scotland
DD/BW/P182 Printed documents relating to the parliamentary election 1802 Other Local Government Dover Kent
DD/BW/F7/18 Correspondence relating to parliamentary elections 1790, 1796 Other Local Government Downton Wiltshire
SY/265/Z3/3-10 Surrenders of land 1659-1735 Manorial Dowsthorpe South Yorkshire
P50/10/1 Old Grammar School early 20th century Photographs Drax North Yorkshire
DY/GBF/7/8 6 inch annotated to show the Drax Options Area early 20th century Ordnance Survey Drax North Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65170 Conveyance of part of a moiety of a messuage Nov 1731 Deeds Drax North Yorkshire
DY/GBF/7/9 6 inch annotated to show areas relating to coal prospecting early 20th century Ordnance Survey Drax North Yorkshire

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