Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/60822 Bills and vouchers for planting and other work 1800-1803 Business Bamford Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60822 Bills and vouchers for planting and other work 1800-1803 Estate Bamford Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60821/2 Indenture of fine relating to the manor 1696 Deeds Bamford Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60821/2 Indenture of fine 1696 Manorial Bamford Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60821/1 Feoffment of the manor 1661 Deeds Bamford Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60821/1 Feoffment 1661 Manorial Bamford Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60820 Field early 19th century Maps/Plans Dingbank Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60820 Property early 19th century Maps/Plans Ladybower Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60819/2 Account of a plantation 1800 Estate Bamford Derbyshire
DX/BAX/60819/1 Book containing valuation of Francis Evans' land 1803 Estate Bamford Derbyshire

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