Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/ARCH/1/1212-1213 Hexthorpe Flatts 1933 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1215-1216 Hexthorpe Flatts 1927-1934 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1228-1230 Hexthorpe Flatts 1927 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1232-1234 Hexthorpe Flatts 1922-1923 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/177/1-2 Hexthorpe Council Junior Mixed School, staff and pupils 1951-1953 Photographs Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/78 Hereditaments and premises 1911 Maps/Plans Doncaster, High Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/6/1-6 Herd registers and certificates of merit for livestock breeding 1909-1930 Estate Brodsworth South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/6 Henry Asplen, probation officer about 1914 Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/17/10 Hemsworth Hall and grounds about 1920 Photographs Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DD/BW/E15/163 Hedley Fell 1760s Maps/Plans Mickley Northumberland

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