Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
SY/22/Z1/2 Summonses to the Court Baron 1823-1826 Manorial Pontefract West Yorkshire
AB/2/1/2 Manorial court baron proceedings 1685-1688 Manorial Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/139-143 Game Duty records 1785-1807 Manorial Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/5/1-4 Court rolls, presentments and verdicts 1454-1704 Manorial Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/5/85 Tenants' roll 1726-1734 Manorial Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/6/3/1-8 Borough Fee Farm rent receipts and letters 1583-1819 Manorial Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/6/4/1-5 Corn mills accounts 1615-1700 Manorial Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/6/7/45 Detailed estimates of work to be done at the water mills 1762-1763 Manorial Doncaster South Yorkshire
SY/265/Z3/1 Surrender of lands 18 Oct 1655 Manorial Hatfield South Yorkshire
SY/265/Z3/2 Surrender of Broad Crofte, Hinton Mill, Shaw Crofte and Hoole lands 2 Oct 1656 Manorial Fishlake South Yorkshire

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