Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COO/1301-1302 Insurance policy on fabric and furniture of St Peter's church 1930-1932 Anglican Parish Bentley South Yorkshire
NURCH/7/3 Insurance policy for the Emmanuel Congregational Church 1929 Nonconformist Churches Kirk Sandall South Yorkshire
P31/3/H1 Insurance policy for St Peter's 1925 Anglican Parish Edlington South Yorkshire
P14/3/H2 Insurance for the Mission Room 1881-1882 Anglican Parish Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/795 Instructions for an assignment or surrender on estate early 19th century Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/795 Instructions for an assignment or surrender early 19th century Estate Arksey South Yorkshire
AB/10/16 Instruction for Chief Constable for the levying of financial assessments for military purposes 1644 Military Tickhill South Yorkshire
AB/10/16 Instruction for Chief Constable for levying financial assessments for military purposes 1644 Other Local Government Strafforth South Yorkshire
AB/10/16 Instruction for Chief Constable for levying financial assessments for military purposes 1644 Military Strafforth South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/79 Institute, Drill Hall and other views [Postcards] early-mid 20th century Photographs Forest Town Nottinghamshire

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