Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COV/7/1 Admissions and bonds 1754-1809 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/4 Admissions 1847-1849 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/5 Admissions 1849-1877 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/6 Surrenders 1850-1901 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/8 Admissions and surrenders 1855 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/9 Surrenders 1874-1891 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/10 Surrenders 1876-1878 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/13 Admissions 1920-1921 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DD/COV/1/1-16 Court books and other items 1656-1921 Manorial Dunscroft South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61723/1-3 Deeds relating to Streetthorpe manor 1769-1772 Manorial Edenthorpe South Yorkshire

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