Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BW/I13 Inventory of harness and stable at Warmsworth Hall 2 Feb 1886 Estate Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DD/COO/441 Inventory of goods and chattels in Wheatley Hall 4 Apr 1757 Estate Wheatley South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/13/1 Inventory of furniture, paintings and books 1884 Estate Bake Cornwall
DX/BAX/64601 Inventory of furniture at South Belmont 1869 Estate Doncaster, Belmont South Yorkshire
DD/WA/B1/5 Inventory of fixtures in the Park Row house of Gervas Benson 1780-1798 Estate Leeds West Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61039/1 Inventory of deeds on mortgage of land 1739 Deeds Goldthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/10/22 Inventory of counterpart leases 1654-1668 late 17th century Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/10/21 Inventory of Allerton Hall 1913 Estate Chapel Allerton West Yorkshire
DD/BW/E3/12 Inventory for fixtures at Warmsworth Hall 23 Feb 1808 Estate Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DD/WN/B6/1-4 Inventory books for the parish church late 19th century-1930 Anglican Parish Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire

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