Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/A3/1 Copy of admission to land at Waite House 1779 Manorial Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DD/DC/A3/6-7 Copies of admission to land at Waite House 1824-1856 Manorial Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61462a Rentals 1696-1788 Manorial Barnby Grange South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61462 Court roll 1648-1804 Manorial Barnby Grange South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61464 Copies of the court roll 1787-1798 Manorial Barnby Grange South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/8/1 Court rolls 1876-1923 Manorial Bawtry South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/900 Exemplification of common recovery 22 Jun 1531 Manorial Bentley South Yorkshire
P14/1/A7 List of manorial lords: William I to 1766 18th century Manorial Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E5/3 Notices of chief rents 1724-1767 Manorial Bentley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX61846 Surrender and admission in the customary court 1816 Manorial Binbrook Lincolnshire

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