Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/BAX/60947 | Correspondence and other items relating to claims by people for damage done to crops by flooding from the canals of the River Dun Navigation Company | 1867-1869 | Land Drainage | Stainforth | South Yorkshire |
QS/13/1 | Dun Drainage District map | 1873 | Land Drainage | Stainforth | South Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/4/4/1 | Dun Drainage District map | 1850s | Land Drainage | Stainforth | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/64333 | Papers in a dispute between the incumbent of St Winifred and the Dun Drainage Commissioners | 1879-1881 | Land Drainage | Stainton | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/131/1 | Dun Drainage Act | 1831 | Land Drainage | Walden Stubbs | North Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E2/1/1/1 | Minutes of the Court of Sewers relating to drainage of the common | 2 Sep 1759 | Land Drainage | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/60/3 | Act | 1884 | Land Drainage | Swinefleet | East Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/391/1 | Letter concerning warping business | 11 Feb 1834 | Land Drainage | Swinefleet | East Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/391/5 | Letter concerning the warping drain | 31 Jul 1843 | Land Drainage | Swinefleet | East Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/5/1-4 | Internal Drainage Board records | 1759-1956 | Land Drainage | Swinefleet | East Yorkshire |
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