Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/BAX/61428 | Draft deeds relating to the estates of Reverend G.H. Woodhouse | 1854-1857 | Deeds | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61427/1-10 | Abstracts of title and title deeds to lands | 1799-1855 | Deeds | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61426 | Abstract of title to copyhold property | 1847 | Deeds | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61425/1-3 | Title deeds to property | 1800-1835 | Deeds | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61422/1-33 | Miscellaneous copies from Epworth court roll relating to copyhold land | 1700-1825 | Manorial | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61422 | Miscellaneous copies of court rolls | 1700-1825 | Manorial | Epworth | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61421/1-11 | Title deeds to Castle Garth, Castle Mill and other land and properties | 1656-1744 | Deeds | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61420 | Grant of reversion on a cottage | 1803 | Deeds | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61419/1-17 | Title deeds to land and property | 1647-1799 | Deeds | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61418/1-9 | Title deeds to land | 1729-1824 | Deeds | Owston Ferry | Lincolnshire |
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