Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/PLAN/1/13 Brochure on the Improvement Area 1970 Publications Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
AB/PLAN/1/13 Improvement Area 1970 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/72 Agreements for sale and purchase of land 1890-1893 Deeds Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
SR/20 Junior Boys School records 1895-1961 Schools Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
DP/3352 Building control plan of building land Jun 1890 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
DP/3611-3630 Building control plans of properties 1890-1912 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/705 School classrooms 1896 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/705 Plans of classrooms 1896 Schools Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/661 Proposed pitch pine partition at school 1913 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/661 Plan of proposed pitch pine partition at school 1913 Schools Doncaster, Stirling Street South Yorkshire

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