Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/7/4/285 | Lease of adjacent barn | 30 Jun 1615 | Hospitals | Doncaster, St Thomas Hospital | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/516-517 | Lease of barn in St Sepulchre Gate and land in the fields belonging to the hospital | 29 Sep 1657 | Hospitals | Doncaster, St Thomas Hospital | South Yorkshire |
DZ/SMITH/12/17 | The Hospital of St Thomas the Apostle in Doncaster: Its Origin, Progress and Present State, J. Falconar | 1840 | Hospitals | Doncaster, St Thomas Hospital | South Yorkshire |
DD/CL/3/32 | Trustees' costs | 1886-1891 | Hospitals | Doncaster, St Thomas Hospital | South Yorkshire |
ABT/1/2/7 | Correspondence from Charity Commission to the trustees | 1892 | Hospitals | Doncaster, St Thomas Hospital | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR | Miscellaneous deeds and other items relating to the St Thomas Hospital Charity | 1557-1956 | Hospitals | Doncaster, St Thomas Hospital | South Yorkshire |
DP/3464 | Building control plan of Loversall Hut Hospital | Feb 1920 | Hospitals | Doncaster, South Parade | South Yorkshire |
DP/3086 | Building control plan of dispensary | Jun 1914 | Hospitals | Doncaster, Printing Office Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/4202 | Building control plan of temporary hut at Auxiliary Hospital | Oct 1917 | Hospitals | Doncaster, Thorne Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/4204 | Building control plan of additions to hut at Arnold Hospital | May 1918 | Hospitals | Doncaster, Thorne Road | South Yorkshire |
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