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DY/MARSDEN/2/5 Postcard of the old infirmary 1920s-1930s Hospitals Doncaster, Royal Infirmary South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/743/1 Photograph of Princess Christian leaving the old infirmary 1906 Hospitals Doncaster, Royal Infirmary South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/638 Plans of alterations and extensions to old infirmary 1901-1904 Hospitals Doncaster, Royal Infirmary South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/797/17 Infirmary for the Town and Neighbourhood of Doncaster, pamphlet 31 Dec 1845 Hospitals Doncaster, Royal Infirmary South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/417/1 Rules for St Catherine's Hospital 1932 Hospitals Balby South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/417/2 Brochure for the official opening of the extensions to St Catherine's Hospital, with photographs 1938 Hospitals Balby South Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/1/31 Research notes on the leper hospital 1960s Hospitals Doncaster, St James South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/875 Quitclaim of right to site of the hospital early 13th century Hospitals Doncaster, St James South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65190/2 Abstract of title and other items relating to land in Balby End Close held by the trustees 1874 Hospitals Doncaster, St Thomas Hospital South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/260 Confirmation of grant of house, barn and lands to the trustees 14 Sep 1613 Hospitals Doncaster, St Thomas Hospital South Yorkshire

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