Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61547 Sale catalogue for estate 1861-1866 Sales Catalogues Finningley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61547 Sale catalogue 1861-1866 Estate Finningley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61547 Farm 1860s Maps/Plans Misson Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61547 Auction sale catalogue for farms, with plan 1860s Sales Catalogues Misson Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61547 Farms 1860s Maps/Plans Wroot Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61547 Auction sale catalogues for farms 1860s Sales Catalogues Wroot Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61546/2 Draft deeds and other items relating to the title of H.L. Maw to estates about 1852-1859 Deeds Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61546/1 Correspondence, copies of land tax certificates and other items relating to the the title of Henry Lister Maw about 1853 Estate Misson Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61546/1 Certificates relating to the title of Henry Lister Maw to estates about 1853 Land Tax Misson Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61546 Draft deeds and other items relating to the title of H.L. Maw to estates about 1852-1859 Deeds Lincolnshire Lincolnshire

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