Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
HR/3 Western Hospital records 1893-1973 Hospitals Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/49 Grant of land in trust for St Thomas' poor hospital 10 Oct 1557 Hospitals Balby South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/C1 Particulars of the lands belonging to St Thomas' Hospital 1760 Hospitals Balby South Yorkshire
NM/46/8/2 Programme for music festival in aid of Beckett Hospital 1911 Hospitals Barnsley South Yorkshire
DH/2 South West Yorkshire Joint Board for the Mentally Defective 1931-1983 Hospitals Barnsley South Yorkshire
HR/1/1/5-6 Lists of members of Doncaster and Mexborough Joint Hospital Board representing the Urban District Council 1923-1935 Hospitals Bentley South Yorkshire
HR/1/5/3 Reprint of a local government order making the urban district a constituent authority of the hospital board 1912 Hospitals Bentley South Yorkshire
CHC/4/5-6 Public survey of opinion regarding proposed health centre developments 1978 Hospitals Bentley South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/260 Confirmation of grant of property to St Thomas the Apostle hospital 14 Sep 1613 Hospitals Branton South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/600 Map of lands belonging to St Thomas' hospital to be exchanged with Doncaster Town Fields 1842 Hospitals Branton South Yorkshire

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