Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/BEASTALL/2/24 Letters on the future of Mill Field 1998-1999 Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/25 Listings from the National Monument Record for sites relating to Tickhill late 20th century Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/29 Copies of documents and genealogical chart relating to the Stocks family 1999 Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/30 Report on a zinc survey 1982 Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/6 Photocopies of miscellaneous 17th century documents 20th century Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/7 Photocopies of miscellaneous documents covering the 14th century to 1880 20th century Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/21 Lease and release of house and close Oct 1743 Deeds Tilts South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/584 Common recovery relating to appurtenances, messuages, malthouses, dovehouses, gardens, land, meadow, pasture, wood, furze and heath, common of pasture and turbary, free fishing, free warren and courts 1778 Deeds Tilts South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 47 Map early 19th century Enclosure Tilts South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 47 Enclosure early 19th century Maps/Plans Tilts South Yorkshire

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