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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P56/9/B1 Tithe 1848 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
P56/9/B2 Apportionment 1848 Tithe Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/451/1 Apportionment, copy 1848 Tithe Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/451/2 Map 1848 Tithe Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/451/2 Tithe 1848 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/708/2 Photograph of part of 1848 map 20th century Tithe Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/708/2 Photograph of part of 1848 tithe 20th century Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/1 Text of talks on various aspects of local history 1986-1995 Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/2-5 Research files on Tickhill from the medieval era to the 20th century 1980s-1990s Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/22 Photocopies and transcripts of inventories of residents 1976 Other Records Tickhill South Yorkshire

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