Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/COO/920 | Particulars of George Moulson's lands and writings relating to Scunthorpe field | 19th century | Estate | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1114-1115 | Abstracts of title | 1833 | Estate | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1083 | Certificate of payment of estate duty on Bruslingholme Close | 15 May 1908 | Estate | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1086 | Certificate of payment of estate duty on Bruslingholme Close | 27 May 1908 | Estate | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1387-1388 | Draft and supplemental abstract of title | 1909 | Estate | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1386 | Abstract of title | 1909 | Estate | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1307 | Survey | 1869 | Estate | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1385 | Abstract of title | about 1893 | Estate | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1297 | Mortgage | 20 Feb 1928 | Estate | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1298 | Assignment of mortgage | 19 Aug 1930 | Estate | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
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