Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/DAW/9/51 Wellingley Farm 1962 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/5/14 1851 population census 1973 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/493/1 1851 population census 1973 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
MB/LEGAL/5/14 House types 1975-1976 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
MB/LEGAL/5/16 Common Lane Jul 1979 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/491/3 Tickhill Castle 1983 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/8 Site of All Hallows church 1987-1997 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/1/30 Coal mining land 1938-1945 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
AB/10/16 Instruction for Chief Constable for the levying of financial assessments for military purposes 1644 Military Tickhill South Yorkshire
NM/42 Wesleyan Methodist church records 1837-2005 Nonconformist Churches Tickhill South Yorkshire

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