Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/827/9 Lease of coal 1933 Coal Mining Rossington South Yorkshire
DP/10096-10097 Building control plans of business premises at numbers 7-9 1933 Business Doncaster, Scot Lane South Yorkshire
DP/8961-8964 Building control plans of 153-161 The Grove and 9 Grove Hill 1933 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8961-8962 Building control plan of shops on Chestnut Avenue, The Grove and Grove Hill 1933 Business Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8864-8866 Building control plans of Boundary Avenue 1933 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8818-8825 Building control plans of properties 1933 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Bennetthorpe South Yorkshire
DP/8132-8133 Building control plans of properties 1933 Maps/Plans Doncaster, St Ursula's Road South Yorkshire
DP/8134-8135 Building control plans of 31-37 Sandcliffe Road 1933 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
SY/296/C9/10 Police Thespians group 1933 Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
SY/480/Z2/4 Drainage Act 1933 Other Local Government Doncaster South Yorkshire

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