Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/396/110 Black Boy Hotel 1960 Maps/Plans Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/111 Conveyance of Black Boy Inn with adjoining dwellinghouse, cottages and brewhouse 13 May 1876 Business Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/113-117 Abstracts of title, exchange and other items relating to the Barrell Inn 1948-1960 Deeds Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/113-117 Abstracts of title, exchange and other items relating to the Barrell Inn 1948-1960 Business Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/113 Barrell Inn 1923 Maps/Plans Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/114 Abstract of title to land 1960 Deeds Doncaster, Church Lane South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/114 Statutory Instrument relating to highways concerning the junction with French Gate 1959 County Borough Doncaster, Lord Street South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/114 Statutory Instrument relating to highways concerning the junction with Lord Street 1959 County Borough Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/116 Land 1960 Maps/Plans Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/118-125 Conveyances, agreement and other deeds relating to land to be used as a school 1909-1976 Deeds Doncaster, Lord Street South Yorkshire

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