Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/BATH/1 Baths and Baths Committee 1932 Photographs Doncaster, St James Street South Yorkshire
AB/BATH/1 Brochure for the official opening of the baths 1932 Publications Doncaster, St James Street South Yorkshire
AB/BATH/2 Programme for swimming gala at the baths 1932 Publications Doncaster, St James Street South Yorkshire
AB/BATH/1 Baths Committee 1932 Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/BATH/1 Photograph of the Baths Committee 1932 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
DP/7198-7199 Building control plans of alterations and additions to the White Swan Hotel 1932 Business Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DP/7145-7146 Building control plans of sewers on Leicester Avenue 1932 Maps/Plans Intake South Yorkshire
DP/7147-7148 Building control plans of sewers and drains on Sandringham Road 1932 Maps/Plans Intake South Yorkshire
DP/6848-6851 Building control plans of properties 1932 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Brooke Street South Yorkshire
DP/6738-6739 Building control plans of Burton Terrace 1932 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire

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