Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BW/F8/27 Chart of the present state about 1815 Other Records Europe Europe
DD/BW/Y19 Small cards printed with brief descriptions of countries late 18th century Other Records Europe Europe
AB/ARCH/1/1383 Location of Doncaster Airport in relation to Britain and Europe about 1930s Maps/Plans Europe Europe
DS/14/3/6 Book review Ethiopia, the Unknown Revolution by Raul Valdes Vivo 1978-1979 Publications Ethiopia Ethiopia
DS/131/6/158 Lands at the north end of the railway station 1920 Maps/Plans Essendine Rutland
DS/131/6/158 Plan of lands at the north end of the station 1920 Railways Essendine Rutland
DZ/MD/565/61 Der Bergbau in Der Kunst, publication 1971 Coal Mining Essen Germany
DZ/MD/565/61 Der Bergbau in Der Kunst, publication about coal mining 1971 Publications Essen Germany
DY/BRI/1/4/46 Brochure for the opening of the bridge over the River Clyde 1971 Publications Erskine Scotland
DS/53/4/68 St Andrew's interior, The Manse, Samuel Wesley's Tomb [Postcards] early-mid 20th century Photographs Epworth Lincolnshire

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