Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/PROP/1/55 Council Mixed School 1903-1904 Maps/Plans Fenwick South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/1/13 Rate book 1974-1975 Metropolitan Borough Council Fenwick South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/2/15 Rate book 1975-1976 Metropolitan Borough Council Fenwick South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/3/19 Rate book 1976-1977 Metropolitan Borough Council Fenwick South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/23 Township 1815 Maps/Plans Fenwick South Yorkshire
SY/413/Z Miscellaneous deeds relating to the Campsmount estate 1718-1865 Deeds Fenwick South Yorkshire
SY/413/Z Miscellaneous deeds relating to the Campsmount estate 1718-1865 Estate Fenwick South Yorkshire
SY/614/K39/1 Accounts for Mary Briggs Charity for Wesleyan Chapel 1924-1930 Nonconformist Churches Fenwick South Yorkshire
SY/614/K39/1-3 Accounts for Mary Briggs Charity for Wesleyan Chapel. Dr Harrison's Charity and St John's Fabric Repair Fund 1901-1935 Organisations Fenwick South Yorkshire
SY/614/K39/3 Accounts for St John's Fabric Repair Fund 1911-1935 Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire

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