Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MQ/25/1 Register of deaths in mines and quarries 1948-1974 Coal Mining Yorkshire Yorkshire
MB/SS/1/3/1-3 Minutes and reports of Doncaster and District Council of Social Services 1948-1974 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
P5/10/3-6 Diocesan Yearbooks 1948-1973 Anglican Parish Sheffield South Yorkshire
P5/10/3-6 Diocesan Yearbooks 1948-1973 Publications Sheffield South Yorkshire
DS/14/2/16 Attendance lists of Socialist Union at the District Trades Council 1948-1972 Organisations Thorne South Yorkshire
DD/WHIT/1-14 Education Committee papers, reports and other items 1948-1971 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
SR/96 Schofield Street School log book 1948-1965 Schools Mexborough South Yorkshire
HR/6 Hospital Management Committee minutes 1948-1965 Hospitals Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/22/3 Accountants' correspondence 1948-1963 Estate Quinnish Scotland
DZ/MD/396/113-117 Abstracts of title, exchange and other items relating to the Barrell Inn 1948-1960 Deeds Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire

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