Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/817/6/2 Programme for Ny Norsk Ballet at the Arts Centre 1949 Business Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/817/6/2 Programme for Ny Norsk Ballet at the Arts Centre 1949 Organisations Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/883/1/19-21 Programmes for concerts by Doncaster Chamber Music Society at Doncaster Grammar School 1949 Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/883/1/19-21 Programmes for concerts by Doncaster Chamber Music Society at Doncaster Grammar School 1949 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/883/4/16-18 Programmes for concerts by the Symphony Orchestra at the Ritz Cinema 1949 Publications Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MD/883/4/16-18 Programmes for concerts by the Symphony Orchestra at the Ritz Cinema 1949 Organisations Yorkshire Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/560 Plan showing collieries within a ten mile radius of the town 1949 Coal Mining Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/560 Collieries within a ten mile radius of the town 1949 Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
SY/508/G14/2 Letter from Woodlands and District Community Association concerning the appointment of a full-time warden 1949 Organisations Woodlands South Yorkshire
DD/PROSS/3/30 Branch line closure 1948-1986 Railways Ashchurch Gloucestershire

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