Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/7/4/162 | Lease of land in the Clay Pits | 3 Sep 1596 | Deeds | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/164 | Lease of land in the Clay Pits | 3 Sep 1596 | Deeds | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/249 | Lease of land in the Clay Pits | 19 Jul 1611 | Deeds | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/291 | Lease of land in the Clay Pits | 20 Sep 1616 | Deeds | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/662 | Lease of land in the Clay Pits | 10 Oct 1723 | Deeds | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/696 | Lease of land in the Clay Pits | 15 Oct 1727 | Deeds | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/718 | Lease of lands in the Clay Pits | 6 Feb 1745 | Deeds | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/804 | Lease of close in the Clay Pits | 9 Dec 1765 | Deeds | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/5/7 | Reindeer Vaults | 1959 | Photographs | Doncaster, Cleveland Street | South Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/5/7 | Photograph of the Reindeer Vaults | 1959 | Business | Doncaster, Cleveland Street | South Yorkshire |
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