Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/851/2/4-7 Plans of drift mine shafton seam 1950s Coal Mining Billingley South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/851/2/4-7 Drift mine shafton seam 1950s Maps/Plans Billingley South Yorkshire
P1/10/D14 The Mansion House 1950s Publications Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DY/BRI/1/6/75 St Leger Day 1950s Photographs Doncaster, Racecourse South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/113/1 Aerial photograph of Doncaster town centre 1950s Railways Doncaster, Railway Station South Yorkshire
DD/BELL/20 Notebook recording timetable details for trains passing through the district 1950s Railways Doncaster, Railway Station South Yorkshire
P70/2/E16 Newspaper cuttings regarding the death of Richard Gerald Micklethwait 'Squire of Ardsley' 1950s Publications Ardsley South Yorkshire
P70/2/E13 Vicar and officials 1950s Photographs Kendray South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/866/1/10 St Mary's tower and village [Engraving] 1950s Photographs Sprotbrough South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/866/1/10 Engraving of St Mary's tower and village 1950s Anglican Parish Sprotbrough South Yorkshire

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