Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/62192 Letters and draft deeds relating to the paying off of a mortgage by the Brampton Female Friendly Society 1855 Deeds Ashbourne Derbyshire
DX/BAX/62192 Draft deeds and letters relating to the paying off a mortgage on land in Ashbourne by the Brampton Female Friendly Society 1855 Deeds Brampton Derbyshire
DX/BAX/62192 Letters and draft deeds relating to the paying off a mortgage on land in Ashbourne by the Brampton Female Friendly Society 1855 Organisations Brampton Derbyshire
DX/BAX/62191 Exchange of land in the Great and Little Fields 1818 Deeds Braithwell South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62190 Miscellaneous deeds relating to closes of land 1755-1784 Deeds Braithwell South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62190 Miscellaneous deeds relating to closes of land 1755-1784 Deeds Stainton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62189 Draft deeds and other items relating to the conveyance of an estate 1869 Deeds Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62189 Letters, draft deeds and other items relating to the conveyance of an estate 1869 Estate Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62188 Letters, plans and draft conveyances relating to a pair of semi-detached houses 1925-1929 Deeds Blaxton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62188 Semi-detached houses 1925-1929 Maps/Plans Blaxton South Yorkshire

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