Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P1/4/D11/4 | Burial ground | 1959 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
P1/2/B6/2 | Proposed alterations to lavatory accommodation | 1963 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
P1/4/D11/13 | Churchyard, cycle shed, garage and fencing | 1964 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
P1/4/D11/10 | Precinct | 1976 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
P1/4/D11/19 | Rewiring and lighting | 1977-1978 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/764/2/6 | Public Library | about 1960 | Photographs | Doncaster, St George Gate | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/764/2/6 | Photograph of Public Library | about 1960 | County Borough | Doncaster, St George Gate | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/764/2/8 | Greyfriars Junior Mixed and Infants' School | about 1960 | Photographs | Doncaster, St George Gate | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/764/2/8 | Photograph of Greyfriars Junior Mixed and Infants' School | about 1960 | Schools | Doncaster, St George Gate | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/764/2/7 | Waverley Hotel | about 1960 | Photographs | Doncaster, St George Gate | South Yorkshire |
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