Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
PR/FISH/ADD/17 | Metropolitan area | 1982 | Maps/Plans | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
PR/FISH/ADD/17 | Statement and plans relating to the District Plan | 1982 | Other Local Government | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/429/1/1-4 | Title deeds, conveyances, abstracts of title and other items relating to Peel Hill | 1843-1979 | Deeds | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/429/1/5-6 | Title deeds and conveyancing papers relating to Church Street | 1785-1978 | Deeds | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/429/2/1 | Typescript proofs, maps and extracts relating to H.M. Taylor's Thorne Mere and the Old River Don | 1980s | Publications | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/429/3/1 | Subject file relating to Thorne Market Place Compulsory Purchase Order | 1969-1970 | Other Local Government | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/429/3/2 | Byelaws, reports and other items relating to Tween Bridge Internal Drainage Board | 1969-1981 | Land Drainage | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/429/3/4 | Subject file relating to the closure and extension of the churchyard of St Nicholas | 1975-1988 | Anglican Parish | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/429/3/6 | Extract from Family History relating to Thorne | 1945 | Publications | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/552 | Ration books, registration cards and other items | 1915-1954 | Military | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
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