Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/14/8/5 Egypt-the January Events 1977 Publications Egypt Egypt
DS/14/8/6 Wither Scotland? Perspectives on the Struggle for Scottish National Independence and Socialism 1978 Organisations Scotland Scotland
DS/14/8/6 Wither Scotland? Perspectives on the Struggle for Scottish National Independence and Socialism 1978 Publications Scotland Scotland
DS/14/8/62 Publication news 1970s Publications China China
DS/14/8/7 Delegate to America, Report on the SU(I) Intervention to the Founding Convention of 26th-27th Dec 75 Dec 1975 Publications U.S.A. U.S.A.
DS/14/9/12 Monthly magazine of the New American Movement 1970-1978 Publications U.S.A. U.S.A.
DS/14/9/13 Oxford Strumpet 1970s Publications Oxford Oxfordshire
DS/14/9/14 South London Workers' Bulletin 1968-1987 Publications London London
DS/14/9/14 Scottish Vanguard, newspaper of the Workers' Party of Scotland 1968-1987 Organisations Scotland Scotland
DS/14/9/14 Scottish Vanguard, newspaper of the Workers' Party of Scotland 1968-1987 Publications Scotland Scotland

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