Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
PR/FISH/ADD/18 Location of street lighting 1975 Maps/Plans Fishlake South Yorkshire
NM/21 West End Primitive Methodist church records 1890-1960 Nonconformist Churches Fishlake South Yorkshire
NM/22 Zion United Methodist church records 1947-1977 Nonconformist Churches Fishlake South Yorkshire
NM/50/2/1 Methodist baptism register 1872-1957 Nonconformist Churches Fishlake South Yorkshire
NM/60 South Yorkshire Mission Circuit records 1904-1944 Nonconformist Churches Fishlake South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 265.8 1893 Ordnance Survey Fishlake South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 265.8 1906 Ordnance Survey Fishlake South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/605 Letters patent of exemplification of suit in Court of Chancery relating to land 24 Mar 1692 Other Local Government Fishlake South Yorkshire
P17/11/2 Copy decree of the Court of the Exchequer in the case of Saville, Booth, Copley, Yarborough, Perkins and others versus Vermuyden, Curtione, Bornah, Bishop and others 1722 Other Local Government Fishlake South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/23/29 Plan of land used for the London and North Eastern Railway about 1930s Railways Fishlake South Yorkshire

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