Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P47/2/B10 Altered apportionment 1929 Tithe Wombwell South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 291.13 1929 Ordnance Survey Woolthwaite South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/654/1-5 Advertisements in The Times by the Coalowners' Association 1929 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/654/1-5 Advertisements in The Times by the Coalowners' Association 1929 Organisations South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/654/1-5 Advertisements in The Times by the Coalowners' Association 1929 Publications South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A10/62 Coalfield 1929 Maps/Plans South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A10/62 Map of coalfield 1929 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
SC/5/6/9 Football section of Doncaster Technical College Athletic Club 1929 Photographs Doncaster, Church View South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/565/16 Drainage Act 1929 Land Drainage Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/807/1 Sheet 38 1929 Ordnance Survey Doncaster South Yorkshire

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