Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/STAN/7/7-8 Analysis files 1952-1967 Business Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/833/2/4 Record of wages and list of employees at the Plant 1952-1965 Railways Doncaster South Yorkshire
MC/1/2/6 Rules and correspondence relating to Greyhound Stadium Club 1952-1960 Business Askern South Yorkshire
MC/1/2/6 Rules and correspondence relating to Bullcroft Main Colliery Officials Club 1952-1960 Coal Mining Carcroft South Yorkshire
AB/2/2/21/38 Mental Health Sub-Committee minutes 1952-1960 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
DY/BRI/1/6/10 Photographs of the members of the Federation of Wire Rope Manufacturers of Great Britain 1952-1959 Business Gleneagles Scotland
DD/PROSS/3/47 Branch line closure 1952-1958 Railways Lichfield Staffordshire
MC/3/16/20 The Green Dragon 1952-1956 Maps/Plans Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
MC/3/16/20 Plans of The Green Dragon 1952-1956 Business Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
NM/74 Primitive Methodist church records 1952-1954 Nonconformist Churches Austerfield South Yorkshire

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