Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/TAY/70/4 | Supplemental abstract of title to an estate in the Hadds | about 1851 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/72/6 | Deed confirming agreement relating to the sale of the Thorne Moors estate | 1 Mar 1906 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/790/2 | Copy of an award in the division of an estate | 26 Nov 1796 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E2/1/3/5 | Notice to landowners | 1801 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/64283 | Abstract of title and miscellaneous papers | 1838-1857 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DZ/ANON/13/1-3 | List of items, prices and purchases at auction sale of contents of Thorne Hall | Jul 1913 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61239 | Miscellaneous papers relating to the estate of Mordecai Cutts | 1786-1809 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61324 | Miscellaneous deeds relating to the estates of the Harvey family | 1801 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
UD/BEN/9/1 | Agent's report book for H.R. Coventry's estate | about 1902-1916 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DD/COV/4/3-4 | Surveys and particulars | 1819 | Estate | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
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