Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/5/2/75 Precepts to the sergeants at mace to proclaim the Sessions of the Peace, produce 24 men to be jurors and give notice to the constables and other officers to attend 1610-1652 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/76-82 Borough Sessions of the Peace; jury lists 1622-1730 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/83 Borough Sessions of the Peace; list of defaulters 1627-1629 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/84 List of those applying for licences to buy and sell corn early 17th century County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/85-86 Miscellaneous records from the Sessions of the Peace 17th century County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/87-92 Apprenticeship indentures 1663-1799 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/93 Bastardy examinations and bonds 1654-1742 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/94 Removal records 1700-1750 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/95 Settlement records 1702-1752 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/96 Miscellaneous poor law administration records 1723-1757 Civil Parish Doncaster South Yorkshire

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