Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/790/2 Copy of an award in the division of an estate 26 Nov 1796 Estate Fishlake South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/636/1-18 Release, mortgage and other items relating to Poplars Farm and Sour Lane 1754-1939 Deeds Fishlake South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/2/1 Abstract of title to estates 1838 Deeds Fishlake South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/2/1 Abstract of title 1838 Estate Fishlake South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/63 Copy declaration as to identity relating to the estates of Makin Durham 28 Jul 1879 Estate Fishlake South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/63 Estate 1879 Maps/Plans Fishlake South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61239 Miscellaneous papers relating to the estate of Mordecai Cutts 1786-1809 Estate Fishlake South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62217 Abstracts of title, valuation, draft conveyance and other items relating to the estate of Mary Holdsworth 1825-1839 Estate Fishlake South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62217 Abstracts of title, draft conveyance and other items relating to the estate of Mary Holdsworth 1825-1839 Deeds Fishlake South Yorkshire
P1/7/21 Sale particulars for Lord Crewe's estate 1904 Sales Catalogues Fishlake South Yorkshire

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