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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/53/1/60-62 Photographs of interior and exterior 1920s-1930s Anglican Parish Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/1/32 Buildings in the vicinity about 1930s Photographs Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/420/79 Tower and east end early 20th century Photographs Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/420/79 Photograph of tower and east end early 20th century Anglican Parish Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/420/80 Choir in procession along Hall Gate 1928 Photographs Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/420/80 Photograph of choir in procession along Hall Gate 1928 Anglican Parish Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/420/81 Choir and clergy outside church 1920s Photographs Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/420/81 Photograph of choir and clergy outside church 1920s Anglican Parish Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/535/48-49 Interior and exterior [Postcards] early 20th century Photographs Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/535/48-49 Postcards of interior and exterior early 20th century Anglican Parish Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire

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