Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/BAX/64603 | Probate valuation of furniture and effects at Quebec Lodge | 1916 | Estate | Surbiton | Surrey |
DD/DC/D/179 | Covenant to produce deeds relating to an estate | 27 Oct 1860 | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/612 | Agreement relating to the sale and purchase of an estate | 19 Sep 1826 | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E3/3/1-8 | Surveys, particulars and valuations | 1813-1841 | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E3/8/6 | Draft schedule of tenants, acreages and land values | 19th century | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E3/8/7 | Valuation and particulars | 1839 | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E3/8/9 | Valuation and particulars | Jan 1841 | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E3/8/13 | Valuation and particulars | Nov 1854 | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E4/3/1-4 | Maps and plans | 1733-1807 | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E5/4/15-16 | Summary rentals | 1853-1854 | Estate | Sutton | South Yorkshire |
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