Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/WA/D2/9 | Travel diary | 1836 | Other Records | Foligno | Italy |
MQ/26/7 | Report on colliery shaft accidents | 1908 | Coal Mining | Foggs | Lancashire |
DX/BAX/24/4/6 | Draft sale particulars for the estate | Dec 1875 | Sales Catalogues | Fockerby | East Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/24/4/6 | Draft sale particulars | Dec 1875 | Estate | Fockerby | East Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61263 | Sale conditions for the estate | 1875 | Sales Catalogues | Fockerby | East Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61263 | Sale conditions | 1875 | Estate | Fockerby | East Yorkshire |
P27/7/3/3 | Draft scheme for the Grammar School | 1899 | Schools | Fockerby | East Yorkshire |
P27/7/3/4 | Scheme approved by Her Majesty in Council for the Grammar School | 1900 | Schools | Fockerby | East Yorkshire |
P19/9/B3 | Tithe | 1844 | Maps/Plans | Fockerby | East Yorkshire |
P19/9/B3 | Map and apportionment | 1844 | Tithe | Fockerby | East Yorkshire |
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